About us


The Biafra book  is embedded in the noble cause of putting the Biafran struggles,pains, history,present and the future into written for the awareness of the Biafran people and the entire world.
Our main aim is to educate and create awareness among our Biafran youths and motivate them in the proper educative way to achieve a  sovereign independent nation of Biafra .
Through a non violent protest we believe we can archieve our dream and our own government and .......a  sovereign independent nation of Biafra taking her place among other progressive democratic nations of the world through a peaceful means only ,because violent will never be a page in the book of Biafra.
 Through a non violent protest we believe we can archive 
 our dream and our own government and .......a sovereign  independent nation of Biafra taking her place among other progressive democratic nations of the world through a peaceful means only ,because violent will never be a page in the book of Biafra.
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the flag of biafra"We are going to use this means to support all entities using a peaceful means to bring about Biafra and to encourage a sincere and honest dialogue with Nigeria and all Nation around the World and to inform the rest of the world about the actualization of Biafra.
This site has text, audio,Videos  and graphics, as well as interactive areas. It is filled with informations. It is also constantly being updated. We recommend all users to check out "Archives" and "News on Biafra Book  site" also see the  CONTENTS to get a sense of what this site really offers, new and old.

Then, tell your friends and Biafrans all over the globe about this  site.
We thank you for your visit and you can also leave a comment below to express your own opinion.
God bless you ,And God bless Biafra.


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